All the Proteach partens took part in the 2nd study week in the University of Exeter between the 18 and the 23rd of March 2018. The meeting took place at the graduate school of education. st. Luke's campus and included meetings and lectures with Begining teachers in their induction period, mentors and lecturers.
The main topics discussed were:
- Introduction to Teacher Induction in schools
- What is it like being a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT)?
- Introduction to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in the UK and at the University of Exeter
- Building your resilience as a teacher
- Professional Learning and Professional Identity
- Presentation and discussion of preliminary findings from questionnaire data
- Presentation of draft index of professional learning
- What factors are associated with professional learning?
- The importance of research and evidence based teaching for the development of classroom practice
- How to identify what to research to develop classroom practice
Further more, the 2nd week included Introduction and status of the project:
- Update on status of the MITs
- Report on questionnaires – QA/QC
- Toward submitting the mid-term, "progress report on implementation"
- Challenges in establishing MITs
- Introducing the MIT: the City Model – MIT in the ecological context
- Introducing the multiculturality in the MIT
- Characterizing good examples toward drawing recommendations
- Prospective on MITs, during and after the project
- Reflection on past, present and future European-Israeli collaboration in Proteach
- Reporting – The financial side
- Dissemination - focus on reporting
In addition, the partners discussed the coming two meetings of the partners within the Proteach project:
- International seminar in Israel (coordinated by Kaye college), with PMB, scheduled for 12-17.11.2018
- Study visit + PMB in Austria – tentatively expected for February 2019
- Closing international seminar, in Israel – (around June-July 2019)
The partners had also enjoyed a traditional English afternoon tea at the University of Exeter, Streatham Campus on the 21st of March.
Among the activities, one group visited the Newton Abbot College in order to observe lessons and teaching styles with a focus on student learning and teachers’ professional identity. More here...