The Proteach team participated in five exciting days (November 6-10, 2017) of an "International Learning Seminar" organized by the Beit Berl College around the topic of "The MIT as a community of learners" (MIT stands for Multi-player Induction Team, the core subject of our project). During the seminar the team visited two schools - Dror, in Moshav Bnei Dror, and Mekif Yod Bet, in Jaffa - where MITs are currently running. During the visits the Proteach members - all 11 Israeli and European co-partners - had the chance to meet with the teachers and the schools' staff and learn from first source about the work done with interns and beginning teachers at school.
The Proteach members and other lecturers from all the colleges participating in Proteach presented their first insights from the work done in the MITs as well as relevant findings from other parallel research related to induction and mentor work in Israel.
Round tables with interns, mentors, school staff and the Proteach members were conducted, discussing issues such as whether the MIT as a community can or should promote beginning teachers' new initiatives in school, moral dilemmas that arise between interns and their mentors, and the different models of MITs already foreseen in Israel.
The seminar was a great success, raising our appetite and expectation for the next seminar - already in preparation - scheduled to take place in Exeter, UK, in March