This book deals with the life story of two professionals in the fields of psychology and education whose area of specialization is people with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, and concentration while they both themselves are facing similar difficulties. The book brings their memories and experiences along the life cycles: childhood, army, academic studies, employment, relationships and parenting.
Each part of the book has two complementary parts: the first part is a sincere and courageous dialogue among the writers, who dares to observe with open eyes the difficulties that life experiences with learning disabilities and ADHD, coping methods and the abilities created by this coping; The second part deals with a theoretical analysis of the main issues that arose in the dialogue, and recommendations for practical coping.
The book was written for years. This is the period required to slowly peel off the shells and barriers, deal with the pain and raise awareness of the forces and abilities that enabled the writers to realize themselves. The decision to share with the readers personal experiences and professional insights stems from the profound belief that exposure and sharing can provide tools and knowledge for others to embark on a journey to self-fulfillment in coping with the disability.